Friday, July 28, 2017

Questions Recreation Practitioners Are Asking (Part 2)

From early responders to the 2017 LIN Survey

  • How can I better connect research/evidence based practices and community needs/strengths?
  • How can I make connections with community partners to increase mental health services in the community e.g.: there is a shortage of low cost art programs in the city?
  • How can the leisure needs of regenerating communities be best accommodated taking account of changing demographics?
  • How can we 'in the field' easily and conveniently access relevant academic research and knowledge translation research?
  • How can we be more effective in Dry Floor and ice programming?
  • How can we continue to provide and support quality recreation programming while funding continues to become less accessible?
  • How can we emphasize the importance of support for municipal government to provide fitness and recreation options to the community as a core focus for community health and wellness?
  • How can we engage and maintain the engagement of youth in recreation activities?

  • How can we get minor sport organizations to fully understand the benefits of good governance and sound financial practices?
  • How can we tailor our technology to best serve our jobs?

  • How do I find qualified staff to work part time hours?
  • How do I get more funding for failing infrastructure and increasing demands?
  • How do I make my volunteer work easier and less time consuming by convincing other people to volunteer for my not-for-profit organization?
  • How do we better engage people to put their health as a top priority and help them to be more physically active?

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