Monday, October 24, 2016

Winter Cities Shake-up - Conference

You Are Invited!!

I am really excited to be part of the Steering Committee for the second Winter Cities Shake-Up!, coming up February 16 – 18, 2017, hosted by WinterCity Edmonton. I am reaching out to you to ensure that you are aware of this event, and have the information for your organization. In 2015, we hosted the first Winter Cities Shake-Up, which was a strong success with over 400 delegates, and garnered international attention! We can’t wait to bring the world back to Edmonton in 2017. For a glimpse of last year’s meeting, please check out this video, which gives you a great sample of what we were able to achieve!

This year’s Shake-Up ( will build on the conversations we started, and delve more into our three themes of Culture, Design, and Business, while focusing on wellness and all the ways that we can celebrate how we live in winter cities. It’s an opportunity to share best practices, think outside the box, and network with delegates and speakers from winter cities around the world. This year we are also excited to highlight new ideas through a few new partnerships and events:

·     The Innovation Showcase will bring together businesses and groups that are looking at new ways of approaching winter life, whether it is new ways to play in the snow, new ways to bundle up, or new ways to design our roads. This evening will be open to the public, and will feature food, music, and new ideas.
·         We are partnering with Edmonton’s NextGen to produce a Winter Pecha Kucha night, which will provide an opportunity for more people to experience the Shake-Up!
·         We are highlighting two winter festivals, by spending an afternoon at the Silverskate Festival, and inviting our delegates to take part in the Flying Canoe Races, which will hit the hills of the Edmonton Ski Club on February 17!
·         There will be more events to come – stay tuned to our twitter @wintercities and watch our website for more details!

We hope you and your organization will help us in getting the word out, by inviting those that you believe would be interested to join us as delegates or if your organization would be interested in sponsorship. We are hoping that this meeting will not only highlight innovative ideas, but also facilitate key connections between those working and living in winter cities. As such, we would like to ensure that we are extending our invitation as broadly as possible through the networks that we believe should be part of these conversations.

There’s more information at or by following the quick links below:



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