Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Parks and Recreation Ontario's Larry Ketcheson Retiring

April 5, 2016
Today, at the Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) Annual General Meeting, CEO Larry Ketcheson announced his retirement. After 19 years, Larry will end his tenure as the founding CEO of PRO on June 30, 2016. Larry has left an indelible mark on the association, and is responsible for the growth and development of PRO. Beginning with just a few hundred members and only one full-time staff member, Larry shepherded the expansion of PRO through his knowledge and leadership. Today, with nearly 6,000 members, PRO is a strong voice for recreation and parks with government and thought leaders.

Larry’s varied career began after he graduated from Dalhousie University with a Master of Science Degree. He stayed in Nova Scotia, working for the Dartmouth Boys and Girls Club before moving back to Ontario. There, he worked in as a consultant for the Federal Government in Fitness andSport Canada, was National Coordinator of the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association and then joined the provincial government in Toronto, where he was a policy advisor with the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation for eleven years. It was working in provincial government that Larry was able to build a network of colleagues in the field that continue to support the work of PRO today. An enthusiast of sport, he is especially proud to have earned a bronze medal representing Ontario in the first Canadian Winter Games in 1967.

PRO President Bill Allen says, “Larry has provided exceptional leadership in building PRO into a strong, well-respected association serving the needs of the parks and recreation sector. He has also made significant contributions nationally in his involvement with the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association. We wish Larry well as he embarks on the next phase of his life.”

The PRO Board of Directors has initiated a search process to ensure a smooth transition to the next CEO. Meanwhile, the strong staff team at PRO will continue to deliver on the organization’s strategic priorities.

While Larry may be leaving PRO, he has stated that he will stay connected with the field through projects and special initiatives. We know he’ll also have more time with his family and time to enjoy his favourite recreational pastimes like canoeing.

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